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Discover the success story of Nahdi

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High Performer Award - Enterprise High Performer Award - MidMarket Users Love Us Leader Leader Europe

Nahdi, $2.3 billion revenue APAC
retail & eCommerce business
takes the experience of 4 million customers
to a new level with SALESmanago

Segmentation, personalization, automation of communication,
and CDP is giving us that necessary edge to exceed the expectations
of guests and deliver extraordinary business results.

Pawel Dabrowski, Omnichannel Director, Nahdi

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Nahdi Medical Company improves the customer experience of over 4M people
by running automated and hyper-personalized omnichannel communication which drives significant part of their revenue thanks to SALESmanago Customer Data Platform.


With its headquarters in Jeddah, Nahdi Medical Company is a leading pharmacy chain in Saudi Arabia as well as the Middle East. It manages and operates a nationwide network of ~1200 stores in 145 cities and villages across the KSA and UAE. This makes it one of the most extensive and successful retailers in the region. In 2022, the company raised $1.8 billion USD from retail investors in its initial offering of shares to the public making it the second biggest company on Saudi Arabia’s stock exchange.

The company operates brick & mortar stores as well as multiple digital channels including an eCommerce website and mobile applications. For its guests, Nahdi has developed a loyalty program ‘Nuhdeek’ with more than 4M participants.

The company operates with a core belief in being a “community pharmacy”. As such, Nahdi Medical Company doesn’t only serve the community through its products, but it also educates the society through various health awareness programs and prevention campaigns.



higher Conversion rate for automated emails compared to mass email campaigns


OR for automated emails retargeting the customers with contents related to their current interest


higher OR in dynamic emails compared to mass email campaigns


higher CTR in automated emails compared to mass email campaigns


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Nahdi offers its products and services across different channels: on the website, in the mobile application, and in physical stores. It is essential to manage enormous amounts of collected data properly to understand the preferences and behaviors of the guests.

Nahdi has many buyer-personas. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the way of communication and recommendations of services/ products accordingly.

Nahdi’s products and services are very diversified. As a result, proper segmentation at this level is also necessary to sustain business growth.

The company has a lot of one-time customers and is looking for effective ways to build brand loyalty.


Optimization of implemented automated scenarios. Nahdi has automated many marketing scenarios so far. To make them work even more effectively, it is necessary to constantly measure the effects, learn from them, and implement changes where it is needed.

Automation of new marketing processes. Nahdi achieves the best results using automated scenarios. This way, it is possible to contact the right users, with the right content, at the right time and through the right channel.

Reaching users through multiple channels and creating synergy (omnichannel). It is very important to communicate effectively with users at multiple touchpoints.

Building 360° contact profiles by collecting data from the website, mobile application, and offline. Data acquired allows communications to be precisely targeted and personalized.

Increasing lifetime value (LTV) of customers. Nahdi knows how much they can increase sales results by growing the LTV of current customers.

Building brand loyalty among existing users. Regular users play a big role in the sales outcomes, so it is extremely important to retain them.


Challenge #1

Nahdi offers its products and services across different channels: on the website, in the mobile application, and in physical stores. It is essential to manage enormous amounts of collected data properly to understand the preferences and behaviors of the guests.

Data from different locations in SALESmanago are aggregated on a single contact view for efficient analysis.
Nahdi collects data from multiple locations and in multiple places. Thanks to solutions offered by SALESmanago, data is synchronized with the client’s internal systems
in real-time.
To enrich contact profiles, Nahdi uses features such as a Customer Preference Center, NPS surveys, progressive forms, and automatic communication to collect zero-party data.

Challenge #2

Nahdi has many buyer-personas. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the way of communication and recommendations of services/ products accordingly.

Customers are automatically segmented according to different categories: preferred communication channel/frequency; interest; medical disorders; by online and offline activity; and etc.
Thanks to proper segmentation, Nahdi launched automated mass campaigns and communications with precise targets.
With many channels available in SALESmanago, Nahdi’s campaigns are executed using omnichannel matched to user’s preferences and attributes.
Nahdi is encouraging online users who had not bought anything to visit their closest stationary store.
Customers who prefer online shopping are receiving offers of free delivery for their orders.

Challenge #3

Nahdi’s products and services are very diversified. As a result, proper segmentation at this level is also necessary to sustain business growth.

Customers are also segmented based on attributes of purchased and viewed products.
Once Nahdi is able to identify the current needs, it uses remarketing campaigns to retarget the customers with products they were interested in if they didn’t make a purchase.
Automated campaigns are supplemented with AI-driven product recommendations, based on the analysis of shopping carts of other customers.
When customers made a purchase, they received cross-selling campaigns to find complementary products that could help them.
Nahdi uses solutions to automatically recommend PRIME products that they want to promote.

Challenge #4

The company has a lot of one-time customers and is looking for effective ways to build brand loyalty.

Automated scenarios to encourage different activities within the loyalty program.
To warm up the company’s image among users, Nahdi uses birthdays to offer special gifts and promotions.
After a specific user’s activity, the company automatically sends a series of educational emails informing them about products and services related to the user’s interest.
After visiting the site, Nahdi encourages its customers to check out interesting blog articles. They describe ways of handling different medical issues or advise them how to live a healthy lifestyle.
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