Noble Health Case Study

Noble Health increases OR by 50%, and CTR by 82% in comparison to mass mailings, and increases value of the shopping cart by 40% through the implementation of complex educational cycles.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Noble Health

Noble Health is a recognized producer of dietary supplements and nutri cosmetics, cooperating with cosmetologists, aesthetic and cosmetic physicians, and qualified beauticians. Thanks to the recommendations of experts in the wellness industry the brand has gained appreciation and a stable position in the customer’s minds. At the store, customers can consult with experts and choose products that meet their real needs.


Noble Health uses Marketing Automation to streamline the communication process: to meet customers’ needs and provide valuable, accessible information in the real time. The brand wants to stand out against the background of chaotic health information that can be found on the internet. It aims at providing comprehensive advice and building relationships based on trust and its authority in the field of wellness.

The following objectives were set:

  • Increasing the number of new customers acquired online and increasing retention of current ones.
  • Maintaining the high personalization of communication with a large number of leads to keep sales high.
  • Building relationships based on trust and individual approach.
  • Insight into customers’ preferences to obtain valuable information.


Noble Health implemented SALESmanago to improve communication both with existing customers and anonymous visitors. Using SALESmanago dashboard directly allowed triggering a chat mainly for anonymous clients to gather information about their needs. The implementation of automatic cycles with personalized offer to mass customers allowed for efficient service and developing strong relationships based on providing valuable knowledge.

The following SALESmanago solutions were applied:

  • Direct contact with the hot leads via Livechat – thanks to the integration with Livechat, consultants could turn the chat window for the most interested users on the website and talk to them directly.
  • Surveys segmenting customers – through the implementation of detailed questionnaires on a dedicated Landing Page, Noble Health collected information on buying habits and needs of customers. It allowed to segment contacts and tailor future communication to declared users’ expectations.
  • Lead Nurturing – information collected via survey enabled to launch cycles of educational messages including articles and products offered by the company, tailored to individual customer’s interests.
  • Cross-selling suited to the life cycle of a lead – for existing customers, the system launches series of messages informing about complementary products and services, recommended after the end of the current treatment.


With Marketing Automation, Noble Health improved communication between professionals and existing and potential customers. Livechat enhanced the quality of service and generated new leads that could be subjected to marketing campaigns. Launching a complex Lead Nurturing cycle allowed to stay at the top of consumers’ minds, and an effective cross-selling campaign has led to an increase both in the value of their purchases and in the number of returning customers.

  • Integration with Facebook (Contest Applications) – the creation of competitive applications that helps attract leads and direct them to promotional and educational campaigns.
  • Birthday emails and SMS – sending birthday email or SMS with a discount coupon to the customer on her birthday.
  • Banners – frames with recommendations – displaying complementary products for purchased ones or supplements to a specific treatment.

“With SALESmanago Noble Health successfully implemented complex Lead Nurturing programs, which allowed to build a strong relationship of trust both with loyal and with new customers. Introduced automations help effectively respond to customer needs at the right time, and thus to provide valuable information, which in the end leads to the purchase. “
Agnieszka Owczarek, Development and Promotion Director