SALESmanago Deliverability


A great number of emails is sent from the SALESmanago system every month – from birthday messages to abandoned cart recovery emails. According to our clients, the most common performance indicators for email campaigns are open rate and click-through rate. So what role does deliverability play and why is it so important?


Deliverability is made up of a number of factors characteristic to the logic of electronic mailing – from the moment a message leaves the server, to the moment it arrives at a visible spot in the recipient’s inbox. Deliverability can be considered in two perspectives:

  • technical – comparing how many messages go out from the server to the number of messages that successfully reach their recipients without “bouncing back”
  • practical – adding issues related to dealing with SPAM to the technical perspective

Years of experience in data analysis, and carrying out email design and delivery for thousands of companies from every industry, has let us work out ways and measures to keep the deliverability of our customers’ emails at the highest level.

Those activities focus on three key areas:

  • external – cooperation with institutions, which lets us handle the process of sending messages from our servers even more efficiently
  • internal (systemic) – encompassing technical maintenance and development of SALESmanago
  • internal (employee-level) – our technical support team, watching over the process of creating and sending emails


To ensure the safety of messages sent by our customers, and email account validation, we implemented the SPF (Sender Policy Framework, a project that introduces safety measures for SMTP servers, protecting them from unauthorized senders) and use the DKIM (a message signed with this key is treated by the receiving server as coming from a verified source).

IP address and domains

SALESmanago owns various IPs, grouped into reputation classes, which are assigned to clients based on their needs, industry, and type of planned mailing.

Before we start sending emails from new IPs, we test them to make sure they are “warmed up”, have a history of steady traffic and their current IP reputation is satisfactory.

Because we use many domains, we can always pick a suitable domain for the specific needs of each campaign.

Blacklist monitoring, Feedback loop, and respecting what recipients want

Constant monitoring of blacklists and good contact with their owners allows SALESmanago to react whenever one of our IPs ends up on a blacklist, and get feedback on what caused the issue. This complete overview lets us prevent situations like these from reoccurring. We monitor blacklists using both internally developed tools and widely accessible, commercial solutions.

Additionally, we employ Feedback Loops from companies such as Yahoo, Hotmail,, AOL, Zoho, Terra, Comcast, Rackspace,, IBM, Bluetie, Fastmail, and others.

According to the law, every message has to include an opt-out link.

In the event that a person wanted to unsubscribe from receiving more emails, we respect their decision and mark that contact in the database with a special tag, that prevents them from receiving any messages from that specific sender.

The human factor

Aside from using advanced algorithms, we employ a team of experienced customer support specialists, who verify every sent message and decide if it can leave the server.

Our customer support specialists are well-versed in the matters of database hygiene, record clean-up and getting new records in. They eagerly share their knowledge and educate their customers.

A dialogue that transcends barriers

SALESmanago is a member of M3AAWG (The Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group), a multinational organization that unites over 200 companies from all over the world in a joint effort to fight against spam and unwanted software.

Member organizations exchange vital information and work together to prevent online abuse.