Email Drag&Drop Designer


Email Drag&Drop Designer by SALESmanago Marketing Automation is a next generation email builder. We used our 6 years’ experience, feedback from the most demanding customers and the results of our analysis of the best practices and solutions applied in world’s leading email marketing systems. It’s a tool that lets you design beautiful and fully responsive email templates, messages, and newsletters, without involving the IT department!

SALESmanago Email Designer

How does the Email Drag&Drop Designer work?

With this simple and intuitive editor you can leverage the mechanism of drag & drop to design a fully responsive email in just a few minutes.

  1. First choose your layout – the way widgets are arranged in your project.
  2. You can choose from a number of presets, or make a custom layout.
  3. Set up your message, choose the: Subject, email window and background color, preheader (the short text that follows the subject line).
  4. Use the available widgets to build your message. You can use elements such as:
    • Text field
    • Image
    • Button
    • Social media button “Share this!” and “Follow us!”
    • Divider – a horizontal line to separate content
    • Opt-out link
    • Image group – an experimental feature that lets you build a partially responsive arrangement out of pre-cut images.
  5. Adjust the settings according to your needs.
  6. That’s it – the message is ready to be sent!

Unique, proprietary solutions used in the designer

This 100% dependable Email Drag&Drop Designer ensures that each message created by our customers is fully responsive on every device and in every email client.

We achieved this by implementing cutting-edge, proprietary technology of creating and saving emails.

Another proprietary solution built into the new editor makes SALESmanago automatically adjust the message’s code to the requirements of email service providers (such as Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo) processing the email.

Finally, to guarantee that every message is flawlessly rendered, we have equipped our designer with a mechanism that comprehensively verifies if the message is properly displayed in all popular email customers and on all devices available on the market.

Benefits for users:

  • Brilliant design: an intuitive, clear, drag & drop designer – you do not need technical knowledge to build a responsive email message.
  • Saved time: create and send top-notch emails in under 5 minutes.
  • Technical flexibility: every email created in the editor will be fully responsive – and we all know how vital this is. No more broken layouts.

Customer Reference

„While implementing SALESmanago on our webshop we have worked closely with the support team and the project manager of SALESmanago. Thanks to the great know-how of Marketing Automation and the SALESmanago system and a excellent way of conveying this know-how to me, I have managed to implement solutions that help me come closer to my customers in real real-time and thus generating more sales. This could only be achieved thanks to the combination of system know-how and a great understanding for what makes commercial sense.”
Philip Nordfeldt, CEO, Data Talks